Greetings again from the Land of Eternal Spring.
![]() Ginger Flowers |
![]() Young Coconuts |
![]() Volcano Pacaya |
![]() |
![]() Guatemalan Currency |
I realized that I gave the money exchange rate last time, but didn't explain what "Q" stands for. The national bird in Guatemala is the Quetzal ("quet-sál", accent on "sal"), and the unit of money is also the Quetzal. Plural is Quetzales ("quet-sál-ace"). Exchange rate averages about Q7.8 per dollar, and for rough conversion you just divide the cost in Quetzales by 8 to find out what it really costs. Thus a nice seafood dinner that costs Q80 at the restaurant, really is only about $10, less than you would pay in the U. S. The largest bill is Q100, with Q50, Q20, Q10, Q5, and coins for Q1, .50, .10, .05, .01 (centavos) but nobody bothers with the .01 coins (except me; I pick them up).
The other thing to clarify is our e-mail and mail service. E-mail is currently with a free connection, and we pay for phone minutes (no flat-rate fee like at home). So we connect, download our messages, get off the phone. Or we write and queue messages, then connect, send, disconnect. The only problem is when I am so interested in my messages that I forget to break the phone connection for a while. With our mail to the Florida address, that is a courier service which delivers the mail directly to Colegio Maya for a small fee per each. We can mail to you the same way; they carry it back to the U. S. and mail it. What a lot of people do is connect with people traveling back to the States and send mail with them to be mailed. I understand that our church has such a box, but we need to get some U. S. postage.
Deb is having an interesting time teaching music to all the ages. Says the 4-year-olds can't even understand English, let alone have a clue about anything. A real challenge. She tossed out a lot of photocopied music (not legal nor ethical), needs to get new stuff. The school has several instruments available, so a lot of potential. Very few in "choir", but they are learning about their "instruments". The PTA parents are vary excited about having a real music program, and Deb just found out there is a real budget to buy supplies. Now she needs the time and availability to buy them.
I have started tutoring Fernando in 11th-grade English (using a home-school course in literature and grammar from the U. of Nebraska). We meet 8:00-9:25 on "A-block" days, which is Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Tue.-Thu., and I am charging Q150 per session. That is low for tutors, but I figure I am new at this. Could be as much as Q234 for an experienced tutor. His spoken English is pretty good, so we are doing well. I also met another mother whose 8th-grade daughter has the new-school-new-grade panics, and let her know I am available. The school director has indicated that I could get quite a bit of business tutoring, so I don't think I will get bored.
Also trying to figure out the buses here. A lot of buses, but no route map or schedule. Probably need to pick a bus, see where it goes, make my own map. Fare is Q1 or less, so it won't cost a lot to find out. There are the city-run buses, then there are the private "chicken buses" for more local color.
The other day as we were walking to a store they were pruning trees back from power lines, and we noticed that one they had trimmed was an avocado tree, with a bunch of young green avocados on the cut branches. Loaded up my backpack (sure was heavy on the way home from the store), and they have ripened! Deb says the ones on the tree probably are getting larger, and some are hanging over the sidewalk, so should be fair game. We love avocados, especially free ones.
Yesterday evening I made it back to the apartment from a bus ride as raindrops were increasing; shortly thereafter the "windows of heaven" opened up and dumped. Rained all evening and part of the night. This is afternoon, and it is raining hard again. Making up for the days it missed, I guess. I need to take an umbrella to meet Debby at the gate so she doesn't get soaked.
Friday, 8-24-01 addendum: since there is a server problem and I can't send this, here's an update. You'll get it when I can send and receive e-mail again.
![]() Kids at the Zoo! |
![]() "King of the Mountain!" |
![]() Tiger and "Ruins" |
![]() Leopard |
![]() Up Close |
![]() It's A Hard Life! |
![]() Lionesses |
![]() Up Close |
![]() Lots of Info on Their Signs |
Yesterday Deb and I got on a bus armed with a map and notebook, and rode it to the end of the line, recording the route. Turned around and rode it to the other end, then back to the start. For a total of Q6 ($.77) we now know where bus #65 goes. If we do this each Saturday, eventually we will be able to get around this town by bus.
Well, that's the news from Guatemala, where all the drivers are crazy, all the buses are smoggy, and all the flowers are above average.